
Prince of Rides: Tracing the Coasts, Cliffs and Bays of Nova Scotia and the Cabot Trail by Motorcycle

This story originally appeared in RoadRUNNER Magazine. For the fourth time in one day, I am mangling the pronunciation of town names in Nova Scotia. Is it Why-COCO-maw or Why-COG-ama? Anti-GONE-ish or An-TIG-anish. Meredith and I have been motorcycling in Canada for three days, but I haven’t gotten any better at this. Meanwhile our traveling companions,…

The Seminal Motorcycle

Originally published in Rider Magazine.  Recently I visited one of my favorite cafes, a short ride up the Pacific Coast from my Santa Cruz, California, home. Called Downtown Local, the place is a syrupy mix of old motorcycles, vintage gas tanks stacked on shelves like cordwood, and decades worth of vinyl, which sound a little…

You Can’t Get There from Here: Brattleboro, Vermont Shamrock Tour

Originally published in RoadRUNNER Magazine. I’ve logged a lot of motorcycle miles with my wife, Meredith, riding pillion, but I’ve never seen this before: she’s back there snapping photos of a straight, four-lane interstate, as if we’re riding god’s own highway. “What’s up?” I ask her. “Well,” she says, “It’s the most amazing thing. I’m looking…

Stripe Design's Suna Lock
Stripe Design’s Suna Lock

Stripe Design Owner Suna Lock Leaves Her Mark on Santa Cruz Design

Originally published in Good Times Santa Cruz. Suna Lock reaches over and picks up a decaying, decades-old can of “Emergency Drinking Water” from the shelf of her downtown store, Stripe. The military-issue can still contains liquid, but probably not the kind you would want to drink. No matter—she’s already sold a bunch of them, which is…